My Actifit Report Card: July 6 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

Today was a day mostly spent on a chair in front of my computer, doing online meetings. Boring!! I needed some exercise, thus went for a nice walk after work. I did not go for my morning walk, as the school where my wife teaches is closed due to some teachers testing positive for Covid-19. Luckily my wife tested negative. There was thus no need to get up early!!

Breakfast had a nice surprise, when one of the eggs had a double yolk!! I love it when this happens, as I love the yolk!!

When last did you have a double yolk??

Stay active, stay healthy and stay safe.
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176 cm
75 kg
Body Fat


Just you can say it twin in one!


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Thank you.

I can't remember the last time I have had twin yolk but I remember having it once or more in the past

For some reason, when I go to KwaZulu on vacation, I seem to get them regularly, but here in Gauteng, I have not found any in a very long time, and I found 3 in this pack of Jumbo's from P&P Home brand!!

Very appetizing, oh it's so long time ago.

I do love Beacon and eggs, specially a double yolked egg!!

The Mrs loves double yolked eggs! I am very glad that your wife tested negative for corona. Congrats on today's @actifit Steps!

Thank you so much for the nice comment.

I am just glad the test was negative!!😀

hello dear friend @rynow good day
in this pot there are many news of celebration, the negative result of your wife of the virus crown and the double yolk of the egg. Congratulations
breakfast looks really delicious, you really enjoy it
have a wonderful day