in Actifit3 years ago (edited)

Starting my day right with a simple walk and tagging my sister with me in this #wednesdaywalkchallenge that @dreemsteem is having for the whole month of August. . Since it's a walk challenge, I decided to just appreciate the surroundings by simply walking around. I feel like doing this enhances my mental health and I wasn't wrong about it. It made me appreciate this world we live in more despite this horrifying COVID. I can't wait to show you the photos I managed to took and put some words in it to describe how I felt when capturing these photos. I hope you'll smile too, it made me smile just by looking at it.

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I lift up all my worries to him. I know that in this life time nothing is certain but you have God around. He got you! Always remember that.

How can I not smile when the sky is painted with this pastel colors?

And this sea of clouds? It's too pretty to just look at it with a frown on your face.

This scenery warm my heart. I love how the sun rises and reminded me that amidst the difficulties we're all facing, there's till a better tomorrow waiting.

Make as many memories as you can because life is short. Have fun, enjoy life and be grateful!

That's not our home though, I just love it's design. 😁

That's it for our morning walk and I'm so happy that I'd get to tag my sister along with me. Feel free to visit her blog too @eeventuree , she's still editing her photos and currently writing her own post for this challenge.

See you next Wednesday then? Feel free to join as well if you're reading this. Visit @dreemsteem so you'll know what to do! Five Hive will be given to the winners and 100% up vote from her. Yay!

See you on my next post! Adios!

Originally posted on Sassy Cebuana. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.


I think the actifit teams gives you an upvote if you'll reach 5k steps and together with is the sport tokens. Still, it's fine because you shared a wonderful walk and wonderful things of life that make you even more wonderful. Oh, I forgot it's all about wonderful things. hahaha

yes they do... but she has joined a challenge by @dreemport that doesn't require you to have any amount of steps... just that you're active on Wednesday and write a beautiful post like @sassycebuana did hehehehe

but yes - if she moves up to 5k steps... she will get an upvote from actifit - and if she hits 10k... @wil.metcalfe will come by and give her some upvote love! hehehehehehe

Oh, please just let me dream more. Just kidding, nope, I just gave her an idea maybe she'll be interested to earn tokens. 😀

exactly!!!! I think its a great idea!

and she has done 10times the amount of steps she did last week for the dreemport challenge! so I think she's on the right path! hehehe

Hahaha yes. My sister reaches 5k 🤣 but what's important is that I get to enjoy my morning walk. 😁

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Nicely done!!! you are already on the ball hehehehe and 2k steps??? that's a lot more than last week!!! you are really rocking and rolling hehehehehehe

remember - I won't upvote anything today - i'll wait for curation to happen and winners chosen! :)

thanks for jumping right in again today!!!! :)

Hahaha yes! I went to somewhere than my usual route. I went up far and I'm so glad I did. I saw this beautiful sunrise and colorful clouds. 🤭

I'm so glad you did too!! (i'm on my other account now hehehehe)

Isn't it so great when you push yourself farther than you thought you could?? its such an accomplishment!!! :)

Da! Lahi ra. 😅 mao jud diay nag walk ra siya ganina. Hahah

Hahahaha🤣 oh Dba!

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

great to see fellow Filipinas here at Ecency. I'm new here and looking for the filipino community here. stay safe there at Cebu! when covid is done, I'll be sure to take the next plane and be back there.

Ow welcome to Hive! I'm excited to read your intro. 😊 it's really nice to have fellow Filipinos joining Hive. 😊 Can't wait to travel too. Stay safe and God Bless.

Great post nice photos and cool idea with the thoughts on them

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk

😊 thanks @tattoodjay 😁


You did SO well this week! thank you for your entry AGAIN - you brought your joy and beauty and energy!!! You make this challenge even more special with your presence :)

your upvote has been given and the tokens are on the way!

Hope to see you again next week!!!

Thank you Dreem! 😊😊😊 I'm so happy to be part of the honorable mention. Didn't expect to be part of it since there were a lot of entries! 🤭🥰

You ranked high! hehehe The people have spoken! hehehee