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RE: My Actifit Report Card: April 6 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

I was just telling Mr @elizabethbit that esterday, we celebrated the 8th birthday of my friend's daughter. She blew the candle on her cake with her family, and with us, family's friends and classmates participating in the event over Zoom.
I attend Masses for this solemn Holy Week via EWTN on YouTube; this morning, I attended a live Chrism Mass.
It a blessing that we are able to do these and have virtual get-togethers with friends.
Be safe and take care always, my sweet sis @elizabethbit 🥰🌺🤙 and lots of hugs 🤗💕


I had my ladies Bible study today via Zoom although for now, it's more of an exchange of love amongst us and prayer requests and praise reports. We might share scripture; it just depends. We will probably eventually go back to actual study whenever the virus lets us. I am thankful for the tech that allows us to attend church and events in times like this. Take care sis!❤️