My Actifit Report Card: August 12 2020

in Actifit β€’ 4 years ago (edited)

Is the Solar Array off!!!πŸ€”πŸ˜³

Yes....Silvertop started this morning turning everything off!😯
I also have the ability to run grid power, so everything was changed back to 100% grid power......
This Isn’t a bad thing, and by the end of the day I had over 11,000 @actifit steps!πŸ€—
A new beginning for my Solar, all new batteries!!πŸ€—
With Fall just around the corner, this was the perfect time to start fresh!!
All buttoned up by 5:30, and after lugging twelve old batteries out, and twelve new batteries in, Silvertop is calling it an @actifit day!!πŸ˜…
Tomorrow will be a new day..... till then Silvertop Mike 😊
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Daily Activity,House Chores

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Enjoy your new batteries πŸ”‹ Mike.

Yours Max

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Running Shoes - L4
+ 25 AFIT
Water Bottle - L4
+ 35 AFIT
Running Shoes - L5
+ 30 AFIT
Water Bottle - L5
+ 45 AFIT
Water Bottle - L3
+ 20 AFIT
Running Shoes - L3
+ 20 AFIT
Water Bottle - L1
+ 5 AFIT
Water Bottle - L2
+ 10 AFIT
Running Shoes - L2
+ 15 AFIT
Running Shoes - L1
+ 10 AFIT

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I have solar panels. And I don't understand anything about it. But I don't have those batteries anywhere. Hmmmm... so much to learn!
I want a simple life... N-O-W!!!!
Sorry, I can't upvote. VP is at 67% again. How do you manage your VP?
Take care, my friend, @silvertop πŸ₯°πŸŒΊπŸ€™

Voting power is a bit harder now on Hive @silversaver888. Sometimes people post and then they are gone.... I try to follow everyone on #silvergoldstackers and support our members. Then it's kind of a free-for-all Lol!😊
Some solar setups don't have batteries, that's much simpler. We get Winter storms that take down the electric grid, and without batteries the solar shuts off for the safety of the lineman.
When everyone is without power, I am still drinking a Latte and watching TV....Or posting to our blockchain!πŸ˜‡
Take care my friend!!πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜€

Aha... so that is why the batteries! Thanks for the information. Between you and mrs @silvertop, you teach me a lot of things! Thank you, my friend @silvertop, and take care πŸ₯°πŸŒΊπŸ€™

Always so nice to read your post @silversaver888!!
So much to learn, I think we are all helping each other!!
Have a wonderful weekend my friend!!πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜€

🎁 Hi @silvertop! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @silversaver888!

@silversaver888 wrote lately about: #Piratesunday: 2020 Silver Kraken Round Feel free to follow @silversaver888 if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Is that a 72v bank?

Hi @davedickeyyall this is a 24v bank, most off grid battery banks are 12v or 24v or 48v. It does awesome, I A/C the house in the Summer, and this time of year I run three ASIC Crypto miners, I mine Zcash ZEC!πŸ˜€

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