My Actifit Report Card: May 2, 2024 | Work Toward My 10,000 Goal

in Actifitlast month

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I walk for health & enjoyment. As I get back to this activity, I would like to walk for a minimum of an hour each day & I'm shooting for 10,000 steps.

On This Walk......

Today I’m covering the 1st & the 2nd. My day was so intense that time got away from me & I didn’t get to post for the first & that day’s info impacts today's info.

The first of a new month and I find myself playing with my walk again. I still think about how I can get my morning walk to that 10,000 mark. I’m not as concerned with how long it takes as I know that as of now there is no way I can do it in an hour. Even what I do now doesn’t fall within an hour. But it shouldn’t take much more time & as long as I can do it with no health problems, I’m sure I can make it.

So today, I continue what I started yesterday. Todays’ walk was about the same as yesterday and what I’m finding is that it’s not necessarily how far I walk but it’s more about what I walk to. It seems the faster the tempo of the music, the faster I step, so as a result I get a higher activity count when listening to all fast paced music. Yesterday when I took my walk I added extra steps by walking the triangle & the school more times then normal while cutting out part of my normal route. Today, I repeated my extra steps while adding back in most of my normal route & managed to get closer to my goal.

The Music That Moves Me

Adding some of the music I listened to today.
As always, I start with what's playing when I start & end with what brings me home.

On May 1st I left at 8:06am and ended my walk with 7499 activity steps when I reached my front door at 9:19am. I was still going when I got home & the song was only half through, so I kept moving by dancing til the song was done.

On May 2nd I left home at 7:53am and started out stepping to ‘Lady Marmalade’ by ‘Pattie LaBelle’

I arrived home at 9:18am with 8405 stepping to ‘We Run This’ by ‘Missy Elliott’

I finished up the song dancin til 9:21am & ended with 8555 activity steps for the morning.

Thanks for reading!! & Hope you enjoy the music!!

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Header banner made in Canva with their graphics, Actifit banner & my pics

Signature banner made in Canva with their graphics, FB avatar & my pics

Saturday Savers Banner copied & pasted with their permission

Text Dividers Made in Canva designed by me using their graphics & Hive logo

Videos & music from

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Dancing, Walking


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