Actifit Report Card: October 17 by tdas0

in Actifit2 years ago

Welcome to my daily activity report. Today i had a busy long day. I was in home. But i had some work to done.

In morning i wake up at 08:30 and go for a walk. Approximately 1km walk in the morning. After that i take my breakfast. After that i had practice math.

I clean my room and throw garbage outside. After that i take a shower. There is a pond in front of my house. So i use to swim regularly when i go for a shower.

After my lunch, watch a movie named Vijeta( Tamil Movie). It was amazing. After finishing the movie i go outside to provide tuition. I go there by foot. Its 1k.m from my house. After that i come home start writing today's Dairy.

Some problem i am facing with the Actifit Apps. My device is Honor. Some time while i am walking the step count freez. I need to open the application to start counting again.

Beside i want to know, Is the application support wearable device like Smartwatches. Its much easer to use and record the data.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Swimming, Walking
168 cm
60 kg
Body Fat


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