Back to work :( My Actifit Report Card: August 8 2023

in Actifit10 months ago

Back to work today :(

It was so nice being off for almost 3 weeks. Not having to worry about going to work, having time to rest and relax.

Today my reguar routine starts again.

But of course the morning starts off with a walk with the dog. Around the small park in the morning.

Around the big park in the evening. Which is where I got most of my 12K steps today.

As for work....Don't really want to take pictures at work, especially since I was super busy the day after a long weekend.

Especially now that the boss is on vacation and everyone seems to want to talk to the boss.

Lunch time I went to Subway and walked there for a few steps. Really though the image of that walk isn't that interesting

And one of the things that I always find interesting when I go to Subway.

.....If you know Subway you may think that their Veggie sandwich with no protein is the least expensive sandwich on the menu.

....But it isn't

The egg and cheese sandwich is actually cheaper. In fact if you order the egg and cheese and say "don't put on the egg" it will make the sandwich cheaper!

Weird but I'm not proud, I'll take a yummy sandwich for a cheaper price.

Of course being the total cheapskate that I am I want all the veggies I can get on it. I mean why not? Not too high in calories, and more nutrition for the same price as if I get less.

Of course the sandwich is never as photogenic in real life as it is when they take their promotional pictures. However, it was still a very tasty, very packed, sandwich :)

Side note: I find my sandwich interesting.

My dog finds that same stupid telephone fascinating. He keeps wanting to stop and sniff every single time we go by it.

I think its like a Christmas present for him. He keeps wondering what's inside!

However, that's my report for the day. Steps are done, work is done, time to six and relax watching a K-Drama for a bit .

Until tomorrow,

Thanks for reading.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Moving Around Office, Walking


It always looks photogenic in their promotional photos.
