Learning something new. My Actifit Report Card: May 21 2024

in Actifit25 days ago

Life is a journey and somedays you don't know what way the path will take you. Today started off strong but wasn't super. Calesthenics...check. Walk the dog in the rain....check.

Learn how to use Google Lens. Yup. That's my new thing for today.

Yesterday I took a picture of a pretty tree with lots of flowers. Very much like this one here

And yesterday I had no idea what type of tree it was. Today I installed Google lens and when I took a picture of the tree this came up :

Now I know that the tree is a horse chestnut tree. That's cool to know. I also know that bees love it. That the nuts are known as "conkers" and that the nuts are actually poisonous. I knew they were chestnuts but didn't realize that horse chestnuts were poisonous to people (and horses) unlike Sweet Chestnuts which are a big thing at Christmas time.

Other than that it was raining really hard in the evening so I only took Nico for a short walk at that time.

Many of my steps were earlier in the day when I was grocery shopping ooking at prices on all the things I'd like to post about in my Vitamin posts which will be upcoming.

One thing that caught my eye were strawberries. 1lb for $3.99 on sale. However, you have to cut off the stems and there is always a bad one in there somewhere so frozen means I get 100% strawberries and no challenge in cutting.

At $4.99 for roughly a pound and a half its a better deal for sure. Then I noticed one other type of strawberry.

$3.00 for 400g.

After a little mental math the best deal is the smallest package. Hard to believe. The large package at $14.99 is a terrible deal. The smaller package at $4.99 is a better deal and the smallest package at $3.00 actually works out to the best price.

It certainly isn't always that way but this time it certainly was. My advice to my sons (and anyone who listens) is always do the math at the grocery store :)

Anyways, all was good and I was almost in bed then when my son gets home I find out that (a) he didn't get to his surgery today as he got the address wrong...grrr.... and (b) his car started having a coolant system issue today which is terrible timing because (c) he is supposed to start his University course today so he missed his first day and we really don't want him to miss tomorrow :(

Sometimes you just never know where the path (or the day) will go.

Let's hope tomorrow goes smoothly.

But I'll find that out tomorrow :)

Thanks for dropping by today.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io



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