My Actifit Report Card: February 1 2023

in Actifitlast year

Well at least February started off on a positive note as the skies were clear. the temperature above freezing and overall a very nice day to be outdoors.

Lulu and I had a very good morning walk today and it was nice to to have to be bundled up in winter clothing for a change. No one else was out walking so Lulu was content to keep up the pace with me. Just another 2 miles of easy walking but a good way to get the day going.
No backcountry stuff today so we spent a good 2 hours at the dog park so that everyone could socialize with friends and then it was time for just under 5 miles afternoon walking. I tried a bit of jogging (mostly crossing roads and downhills) but my right knee really didn't like it that much. Seemed to feel just a bit unstable so I don't want to push it too hard. Overall not too bad of a day's activities and hopefully I'll see improvement this month.
Memories from 5 years ago this day - little puppy Lulu enjoying the company of her big sister Bella.

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