My Actifit Report Card: August 8 2023

in Actifit10 months ago

A better day today as my legs had a bit more life in them and I was able to run a bit better although still a long way to go.

We were joined on our morning walk by some of my friends so Lulu had a great time running around with another dog while we hiked along.
A bit faster than usual and a nice chance to chat along the way.
I was hoping that my later run would be decent and it was an improvement but still not too great.
I felt a bit stiff to start but the flat road helped to loosen me up a bit before a bit of a climb onto a local short trail loop.
I covered the first mile ok but the up and down trail quickly tired out my legs so the second mile wasn't so good. Finished up with a flat stretch on the road and didn't get to the 3 miles ad I had hoped.
Maybe a long hike/jog ovet on the Spence trails tomorrow for a change.

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Running, Walking
