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RE: Do you know where this photo was taken? |🇮🇹 Sai dov'è stata scattata questa foto?

in Actifit4 years ago

This was an EPIC @Actifit Report Amico! You are on top of the world and on top of your game! WAY TO GO! 🙌

As discussed previously though... This post needs the screen capture proof from the @Actifit dApp. As well make sure to include your time stamp... Then you got it!

I consider this post a WIN but to convert it to the official #Win these small adjustments will get you there!

If you have any additional thoughts, questions, or concerns I would be glad to assist where I can! Please feel free to ask or type away! I'm listening my friend! 🙂



As a computer scientist, I think that the source of the data is fitbit and from the graph it is clear by what time I have achieved the WIN or Automaticwin.
It doesn't matter if you can't change the rules and this involves not assigning tokens: I'm happy anyway!

A huge hug 🤗 and some bit of !BEER 🍻

Ok Amico. I get it.

I hope that you can understand why I want to make things clear and straightforward. New comers to these challenges might become unclear if a mixed signal is authenticated and broadcasted. I want to be able to tell new people doing the #Win and #AutomaticWin accomplishments to just check the feed to find out how to score an #AutomaticWin or a #Win. If they simply do what everybody else is doing. You know! That sort of instruction is a whole lot easier. (Here's another reason! I wonder if I can think of another...? hmmmm! lol!)

If your not up for it though I get it. But won't you reconsider? Join up with me and the rest of the @AdventureReady T.E.A.M. (Together Everybody Achieves More) in promoting and encouraging everyone in the @Actifit community to get their 10,000 step counts! You would (and are!) a real asset and I know that many people look up to your efforts within the @Actifit community!

I have bothered to go back and forth with you about this not just because I'm firm on the protocol but also because I value what you do and who you are within our growing movement! Let's all work together... Yes!? 😉

Your consideration of me is flattering: thank you, @wil.metcalfe!

But explain me on an Android smartphone using actifit with fitbit: what screen should I capture? The one with the numbers without even a cute little graphic? Honestly, on a post level, I find it disharmonious! 😉

Yes. I completely understand your considerations from an artistic visually appealing perspective Amico. When connected to the Fitbit device the @Actifit dApp currently has a less than ideal screen for displaying the information required for screen capture proof of #Win and #AutomaticWin.

It's really to bad as the Fitbit attachment should increase rather than decrease the visual appeal. Adding Fitbit functionality should improve the viewing experience of the user rather than detract from it. I 100% understand your perspective.

It is my intent to continue to work with @mcfarhat in this regard and I hope that you will continue to work with all of us as we iterate and innovate the future together. Your feedback is valuable in my opinion so thank you for putting this on the table for discussion.

Annnd! Thank you as well for including the correct screen capture of the @Actifit dApp in your most recent report. Although the current version of the required screen capture proof is less than ideal I do appreciate that you are helping me streamline the process of authenticating the #Win's and #AutomaticWin's!

This helps considerably and leaves me with enough time and brain juice to dedicate to improving the #AutomaticWin and #Win system and also collaborate on improvements with the @Actifit Project. 🙂

You are most welcome, @wil.metcalfe! 🙏

Have a !BEER 🍻
and a huge hug! 🤗

Hey Amico! I’m just figuring things out with @mcfarhat. I realize that you provided the most recent screen capture proof of #AutomaticWin that you did because the front screen of the @Actifit dApp does not display your step count but only informs the user that the dApp is collecting steps from Fitbit as a source. Am I correct in my understanding of this? I’m going from memory because with the current @Actifit dApp that I’m running on iOS the front screen displays my current step count seamlessly... but I remember what it used to display like.

Would it be possible to do a screen capture of the front page of the dApp so that we can get a reference? If the front page of the dApp is displaying correctly (while connected to Fitbit) then naturally that would be the best screen capture to provide for proof of #AutomaticWin or #Win.

If, however, the front screen of the dApp does not show your current step count (along with the current time) but instead only informs you that you are connected to Fitbit... then that would totally make sense why you had to make use of the post to blockchain page to display the current time along with current step count.

Any clarification would be helpful! Thanks Amico! 😊

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