#Wednesdaywalk - Let There Be Golf!

in Actifitlast year

The last few years, I have been able to start golfing when the gun went off to start the season. This year, the golfing budget has been redirected to rent and office expenses until today!

We kicked off the season this year with our first swings at the chamber of commerce yearly tournament.

We had so much fun golfing that I didn’t manage to take too many pictures. Clear cool breezy day with plenty of sunshine without the heavy heat. It hasn’t rained here in a couple weeks but the course was in fine shape.

We met with a guy from Abu Dhabi who really appreciated the wide open green space. There are plenty of golf courses there but the wilderness is pretty special in small town Canada.

It was not the most serious of golf tourneys. One hole, you had to drive with goofy sports equipment like hockey sticks, baseball bats, tennis rackets and lacrosse sticks. Another one, you spun a wheel and used the club that came up for the whole hole. I drew a 7 iron and we managed a birdie on that hole. This is our partner putting with the wedge he drew getting creative with a billiards shot.

Another hole had Eddie in goalie equipment with a tennis ball launcher you were challenged to put into one of the holes. I hit one and won a sleeve of golf balls.

10k steps on the golf course is one hell of a fun privilege. Social networking, activity, sport, outdoors, beer and fresh air. Welcome back golf!

We didn’t end up taking home any prizes but it was a fantastic #wednesdaywalk
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io



We certainly have had some Hazy days up here ... my son just got a job at a Golf Course for the summer so I'm thinking of getting back into it. I stopped golfing 20 years ago when I bought my 1st kayak. When it's a nice sunny day I always go with the kayak.

Oh a kayak sounds awesome. Getting out on the water is special but doesn't have to replace golf though!

I know ….. I will try to do Both.

That looks like a fun round

It was. I roasted one on the second hole and that made it much more fun!

It's been years since I played. The clubs are getting a nice coat of rust in my garage. Miss this.

I took a long break too of only golfing once a year or so. It was getting so expensive.

Moving to a small town definitely brought the price per round down and then running my own business turned it into a business expense so we have gotten right back into it.

Highly recommend!

Yeah, green fees are terrible here or were. No idea what they are now.

Oh I bet they still are. Something that never goes down.

It's good that you haven't focused on capturing the photos, otherwise, you would have spoiled your fun, You did capture enough to share with us. this is enough.

I normally remember to snap some wide angle shots and a couple other views but we were paired with a couple guys who wanted to win. Some damn fine shots and we ended up 8 under par which was maybe 4 strokes off the prize.

Still damn fun and the networking with other business owners was great too.

Now this sounds more like my kind of golf. I have only played golf a couple times in my life. Most times I have been on a course was driving the cart and drinking beer.

Yah man it was a blast. We usually end up having fun no matter where we golf. Even sipping a pint and hitting the driving range is plenty of fun if we can’t get in a whole round.

I think if my back and legs could handle it, I wouldn't mind driving some balls ever now and then. I still think driving the cart and drinking beer is the best part of golf.😀

I guess Golf is an interesting game
A lot of people love it. I used to find it boring before but not anymore

I find it boring as hell to watch but so much fun to play!

that sounds such a fun round of golf with such fun twists along the way

Never a dull moment on the course for sure. For whatever reason, I generally don’t get to 10k steps often but golf games, even when you are in a golf cart, get me there in style.

I cannot remember hte last time I got 10K steps, used to be was rarely a day I didnt do over 10K

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