in INDONESIA4 years ago


On Saturday, 15 August 2020, RI-GAM peace will mark its 15th anniversary. From a security perspective, the achievement is quite significant. There are no cases of violence in Aceh in the name of the parties who make peace. If anyone starts a gun, it is purely just an ordinary criminal.

From several problems, one of which is that from the perspective of the perpetrators of the parties to the peace, especially former GAM combatants who have died, it can be concluded that the average life expectancy of ex-GAM is only 51 years or much lower than the average national life expectancy 71 year.

Minister of Health, Nila Moeloek said, “The life expectancy of Indonesian men is 69 years, while Indonesian women are 74 years old, or the average life expectancy of Indonesians is 71 years. Compare with neighboring Singapore, the healthy age is 74 years from their average age of 84 years.

If this condition continues, then in 26 years or in 2031 there will be no more former GAM combatants who will tell how terrible the war was in the Alue Papeun area, the Pasee area which involved a war between GAM and the TNI, each involving 1000 troops and accompanied by the Indonesian Air Force attack. with Helicopters, Bronco aircraft and fighter aircraft produced by Russia, Sukhoi.

Some of the factors causing the low life expectancy of former GAM combatants are the duration of their guilt; eating and sleeping irregularly, eating food containing poison, nervous breakdown due to sudden attacks from the TNI / Polri, trauma, weak heart, suffering from malaria, typhus, sprains, bathing in rivers whose water comes from the roots of poisonous trees, not enjoying the morning sun , lack of entertainment, feel guilty and miss their family.

Even in times of peace, it does not follow a healthy lifestyle; do not eat nutritious food that meets the standard 4 healthy 5 perfect and lack of exercise and still suffer from congenital diseases during guerrillas in forests, swamps and other unusual places.

One of the points of the peace agreement should be the psychological and health examinations of former GAM combatants. If there is a concern that the former combatant is "afraid of being betrayed", an agreement can be arranged for a "medical check-up" or a comprehensive health examination, as well as psychological mental health examinations carried out by independent and professional doctors from abroad.

There is still room for GAM Leaders to make “special requests” to the Government of Indonesia or through the former President of Finland, Marthi Antasari to conduct “General check-ups” for all former GAM combatants whose aim is not only the health problems of former combatants who have integrated with the community but also renew good relations between fellow children of the nation.

Another serious problem is that the essence of GAM's struggle is to restore ownership and management of Aceh land. As long as the core does not materialize, during that time the offspring will rise up to move demanding until that goal is achieved.

The issuance of the Helsinki MoU is very encouraging for the people because it is considered that Aceh has the opportunity to gain sovereignty over Natural Resources (SDA). It is only natural that Aceh is designated as the legal owner of this country, while the state is the manager. In terms of the company, Aceh as a commissioner or shareholder and the state as the main director who runs the company.

The president director cannot make any decisions about the company's mission, except for having to ask permission from the commissioners. The position of commissioner is much stronger than that of managing director. This principle must be understood by the Acehnese. We already have the Wali Nanggroe institution to implement it, but unfortunately this prestigious institution is only used as a symbol because the people around YM Tengku Malek Mahmud do not understand the nature of struggle.

It is different from the attitude of some people who still play with the souls of the Acehnese people. Especially before the Pileg and Pilkada by blowing the winds of heaven with the phrase, "sibak rukok teuk" Aceh will be independent and the "buleun star flag" will fly. The story was repeated for 15 years. Sometimes we have to ask, who is the originator of the story? Are they really fighting? Is it true that his conscience is right for the people?

Now is not the time to hope that “Aceh Merdeka” and “Buleun stars” are free to fly on Bumi Iskandar Muda by standing idly by, not working, hoping by begging, but working and trying as usual, integrating with society, networking, being nice to anyone, no build hatred, not arrogant, and have compassion for all beings. Don't think about when independence and the white stars will fly. Again, don't think about it! Think of "that item" like "my soul mate like Alif Lam Mim; only God knows."

Mendale, Aceh Sumatera, Indonesia