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RE: Three Tune Tuesday Best Sports Music

in Musiclast year (edited)

@blanchy me auld Petrolia, great shout for a post on the sports themes man I like it. Jesus, your man Booker T, what a legend. That tiny desk concert is pure class, great insight into how he learned to play the Organ and back story on finding out how he became obsessed with musical instruments. The crawling method he mention s is a great tip too. I can totally picture his mad enthusiastic little head learning all about music in Memphis Tennessee as a little fella.

I am always in awe of Tarentino films such as Pulp Fiction , Kill Bill and even Once Upon a Time in Hollywood who get the music in the film bang on.

Yeah I couldn't agree more man Tuarantino is a legend. I love all his movies and as you say the music is the making of them. Jesus what comes after that in your post had me in stitches! I can just imagine all the boys bombing around Clonmel in supped up Cinquecentos with the boot down, windows open and Fleetwood Mac blaring! You're some man to paint a picture.

Thanks to the Galway man @ablaze for launching to behemoth. Reminds me of Zuckerberg in Havard back in the day before he took over the world.

Thanks! More akin now to Christy Brown, but I do try! 😁


don't know how you get through them all my friend. fair play to ya. untitled.gif