MUSIC A to Z Challenge #N: Noisettes, New young pony club and Nirvana

in Music4 years ago

Here is my entry for @psos music challenge, today i'm on bands or songs starting with the letter N.

So here we are again lets kick off with the Noisettes, a crazy indie rock band from London. When I first heard these guy play I was instantly hooked, Shingai Shoniwa is a energetic performer and as singer and bassist for the band steals the show. Her vocal range is amazing from high pitched screams to throaty growls but also beautifully soulful. A great live band that always get the crowd going with some punchy tunes. The Noisettes - "don't give up".

Also from London are this electropop band the New young pony club, the term pony club refers to a S&M fetish of leather or PVC clad slaves donning a tail and reins all pretty kinky. Their New wave sound and catchy tunes produced early hits but they never really had major mainstream in 16 years they have only produced 3 albums and although currently still together as a duo now known as NYPC have not released any thing since 2013. Their drummer Sarah Jones has been the most successful member and has since leaving the band worked with Bat for lashes, Bloc party and Hot chip. New young pony club - "Icecream"

OK it's bonus track time I couldn't possibly do the letter N without giving Nivarna a mention, I have nothing to say about them that you guys couldn't already know. For me a important band in my life and one of the greatest bands of all time, I have always liked their earliest stuff and Bleach is my favorite album, this tune is actually a cover of a dutch band called Shocking blue from 1969 (Ah there's something you maybe didn't know). "Love Buzz"

That's me all done for today i'll see you all tomorrow with my choices.


cool pickup from Nirvana. I will add it to my car-playlist ;)

Bleach is for me by far there best work, "negative creep" from this album is also a banger.