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RE: The Flaming Lips Gig at Galway's Big Top

in Music2 years ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣 that really must have been a cool experience for everyone! At least I never heard of such a thing happening in a concert 🤭🤭🤭

May the live concerts continue to be part of our lives ahahaha (I'm very philosophical today, ignore it 🙈🤣)

 2 years ago  

Ya it was cool, on their previous tour he came out into the crowd on a big unicorn on wheels! There's always something a bit of the wall!

I'm very philosophical today, ignore it 🙈🤣


on their previous tour he came out into the crowd on a big unicorn on wheels!

Ok, now you're just teasing me! I suddenly feel like going to their concert 💃💃💃 When's the next? 😂

I think they adopted the Zorb thing during Covid so that they could continue to tour (they're one of those bands who are always on the road) while enforcing social distancing rules. At that stage it wasn't just band members in the zorb, the whole audience had to stay inside what was quite literally an isolation bubble.

WWWOOOWWW! That is actually a clever idea!! Amazing how we can find solutions just to stay in touch and connected 😍

There is something I would like to go just for the fun of it 🤭🤭

Thank you for this! 😁