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RE: Day 3 - Not my ukulele, Not-so-ordinary ordinary challenge

in Musiclast year

I'm with you. I have been trying to learn to play the guitar off and on for a while now, but I get easily distracted and then I just can't focus like I need to. I wish I had the attention span to stick with it. I am thinking if it were that important to me I would probably make more of an effort. That's just me though. What a cool instrument. The fact that you can play four or so songs, you are already miles ahead of me and my guitar skills!


Glad to know I'm not the only one!

Well, those are really short songs that last barely 30 seconds, so my nephew did well to choose some super easy ones for me otherwise I would have given up ages ago.

I'm always trying out new things but never stick to the them, wasted so much money buying bits for new hobby in the past. Now I just amuse myself by reusing or repurposing whatever is available instead

That's why I decided to make Hive my hobby! This way it pays me not the other way around! :)