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RE: Hive Open Mic Week 23 - Merengueadera (Original song)

in Music4 years ago (edited)

I'm thankful to know @ylich through the Hive Open Mic community, where I am the host. I launched our community 23 Weeks ago, hosting weekly live music events. Before launch, I submitted a proposal, describing my vision and asking permission. Although our numbers may be small at this time, we have participants from 5 continents, speaking multiple languages, illustrating the real possibilities of global harmony.

At the time of launch, my research revealed that there were no active communities centered around live music. It was early in the COVID-19 wave, and I felt inspired to create a virtual stage to invite musicians to share their music with an international audience during a time of social distancing. I felt they needed an outlet for creative expression and genuine connection, and there simply wasn't a place for that on Hive at the time.

I hopeful that Hive Open Mic will continue to be a place where musicians can express and connect through live music. I am inspired to support the singer-songwriters, first and foremost, who share their hearts and artistry. I believe our community's emphasis on #livemusic is unique to Hive. Our event is designed to be true to the classic open mic event: a love offering.


Totally agree - great initiative for #livemusic - trying to support too when I have some minutes and voting power left (which is anyway not that high).