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RE: New Release Friday - Zombie Rave Time!

in Music4 years ago

I was jamming to this last Friday, the Zombie one was great! I liked but was confused at the short clips in the first section. I was like huh that song was good why did it stop then I realized it was short clips lol


Haha thanks man, those zombies need to rave every now and again! Now they have their own track!

Ah yeah, the Spotify bit? I think if you're not logged in, it only plays the first 30 seconds of the track before it moves on. Or that may just be the case for embed players. A bit annoying but I know the majority of people that follow me use Spotify so might as well share the more preferred platform, then share the full track on Soundcloud which has the full track at least!

Cool thanks, yeah that makes sense! Awesome track though man, loved it.

Thanks a lot mate! Glad you enjoyed it!