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RE: Liquid Drumstep - Travelling Man & Hive Tales (Why I'm Still Here)

in Music3 years ago

I’ll be listening to the track in the car man! I’m going to actually sign up for a SoundCloud account, I know, a few years late lol. They have some awesome stuff on there. One of my favorite songs I can’t find on YouTube but it’s on SoundCloud!

I love catching your music and being able to give you some money, however small it is, with hive. You’re paying folks to look at your stuff and no return on Fakebook so it’s such a great change doing this stuff on here. Gone are the days when I’ll be doing anything on those platforms and I’ve started to slowly talk to other businesses about starting a hive account. Not too much or pushy about it but just giving a bug in their ear about it.

Keep up the awesome music man!


Soundcloud is a great place to share works in progress and free downloads that can't be released for copyright reasons (e.g. remixes) - it's not what it was that's for sure but it's where I started and has some sentimental value (probably not a good thing haha)! It's also got a lot of my old tracks on there and it's nice to listen back to what my productions were like early on vs where they are now!

I appreciate all the support mate! Comments are always where it's at but I can like your comment back and it's helping you grow too! There is a music app being built on Hive too and I think the tokens are coming for it so I can even upload my music here, upvote comments from those who interact, they get tokens from that and can then use them to download the tracks... it's genius really!

Nice one on speaking to businesses and not taking the pushy approach. I think the gentle educator role is the best approach and you usually have 3-6 months of "inertia" before things start moving so hopefully they will come over! It's a lot easier now than it was before to get set up, will be interested to see how the next few years go!