Katatonia - City Burials ( Album Review )

in Music3 years ago



Heartburn, depression and mania

Katatonia continues to create a dark atmosphere with an emphasis on emotions that all human beings can comprehend. out of all these numerous and good Swedish bands, Katatonia remains influential and important. not everyone can understand not only the meaning but also the auditory experience that Katatonia creates. they succeed in presenting a highly emotional and subtle music that many people happen to connect with through this lens.


Source : https://genius.com/artists/Katatonia

But Katatonia's music has always been at an acceptable level for me, and their creativity in composing and playing from 2006 onwards does not impress me so much that I have to focus on the lyrics and the sad atmosphere of the songs and more and enjoy the concept. The composition of this band is mostly vocal-oriented, ie the songs are written with lyric priority and vocal elbow. In general, Katatonia, just as there has been no strange contrast in terms of texture and quality between his albums since almost 2006, we do not have much variety in this album, and everything is very similar. In terms of style in this album, they are closer to heavy metal, and with the progressive metal that was sometimes attributed to them, they are now too far apart, let alone Death-Doom! The songs are simple, but behind this simplicity, sometimes good power can be seen, such as "Behind The Blood" and "Untrodden".

Of course, we also play with rhythm in some tracks, but it is not enough to force the listener to scratch his head. for example "Heart Set To Divide" which first starts with a rhythm of 8.6 and then turns into 8.7. personally I would like to see more of this songs in the album. guitarist Roger Öjersson, who is also a Tiamat guitarist, described the catwalk as a major change in the texture of Katatonia's music, especially the solo of "Behind The Blood". and Jonas Renkse in this album has tried much harder to keep his signature, which is a kind of signature of today's Katatonia voice, out of his range and interesting progress can be seen in his performance. for example in "Lacquer".

Electronic sounds are very well mixed with the music and make the texture of the music even softer than before. overall, I think this album will satisfy Katatonia fans, but I like their previous albums more. in this album which was the softest and most emotional Katatonia album to date, creativity is heavily overshadowed by too much effort to present an emotional and subtle album. in my opinion, this album was very low risk, rhythmic and simple with some very simple rhythms of heavy metal and popular.
