Poem of music in me.

in Music2 years ago

Music is my companion I can't close each day without listening to music. Music is life it makes me think straight and take away my sorrows, if I am depressed and has no one to talk to I always listen to music and it also reminds me that that's not the end of it all.
Here is some of the things music do to me it makes me forget my past to focus on the future.

Music My chord of escape.

My chords of my escape, I just love the way it makes me feel it's a privilege to all who hear,my past haunts me everyday but the music understands me more. I cry anytime I am alone because I want to die but then I pick up my guitar and scratch the chords with my fingers and listen to the angry sound of the heavy metals, Music pulls me to the shore music is the rhythm that moves me to the core music is the therapy I need when I feel blue, music lifts my spirits and makes the stars 🌟 to make sure I pull through. The time when I am most cheerful it's clear music was there music gives me this inspiration that makes my brain thinks like I have a tree on my head that grows fresh branches. Music is the needed friend I have anytime I am lonely when no one seems to care where words fail music speaks,it speaks of the sorrows of lost in the life we live.
Music shares emotions and it's a way to understand and know how others feel whether they want it or not, music makes me forget all my pains and brings out the star in me when I can only see tree on my head it shows me the fresh branches when they are dry. All the things I love to hear is music because it's my great companion ever.

Thanks for visiting my page.


You must be a great guitarist

I am still learning how to play it

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