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RE: Wild Horses

in Music8 months ago

I've done some horse riding and enjoyed it; they're incredible creatures really and leave one feeling, free, I guess is the way I'd explain it.

dangerous at both ends and crafty in the middle

Yes, Robert Downey Jnr said that in one of the SH movies I always make me laugh. They are too, or can be, but they're still legit creatures.


That's exactly what Shelley was trying to convey I think - that feeling. I'm not surprised you've been horse riding. That naughty looking horse probably was crafty, he kept huffing at me 🤣

Like you say, they're legit, I like most animals so even though I wouldn't say they're my favourite, they have a place of respect in my mind.

I'd teach you...but you'd have to wear a geeky horse riding helmet...I'd be wearing my Akubra of'd need to qualify for Akubra status though.