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RE: All Change (or what happened when I actually *thought* about music distribution - Part 1)

in Music4 years ago

Ah - now this is touching on another topic that I mull over a fair bit - people's motivation for creating and as such what outcomes they expect.

Pretty much all services feel skewed to the young, dare I say trendy, audience. At 53, I can't post that my latest track is "fire". I may say it's a jolly good tune and other people like it. But I'm not going to tell people "not to sleep" and download it. That's not to say I don't get excited about my stuff, or don't get a buzz when I get some good feedback - of course I do. But I'm on the wrong side of middle age and I'm English. Reserved cynicism is the order of the day... grin 😁😉😝

That last comment aside, I think there's a lot of folk round like me. We've lived through our youthful exuberance where we would have thrown about the current vernacular and pretended to be the stars we wanted to be. Now we just want to grow a sympathetic audience and to have a bit of fun.

To be fair I think AtomCollector serves folks like me well. As does EMA as well. And they are all the better for it.

Hm. Maybe I need to think about this a bit more and maybe write up a more detailed post...I think there's something there...


Well that makes total sense as I am also English and 53! No kidding!

Haha! Brother!