Voy a comerte a besos - Gabriel Parisi #Cover by: @Davidosoriooficial

in Music2 years ago (edited)


Que horror no se que paso con mi escrito en este post, seguro copie mal al pegarlo, en fin esta es una cancion muy genial de Gabriel Parisi, sin dar muchas vueltas es un tema bastante picante que va al grano, habla sobre tener un encuentro apasionado con esa persona que deseas. Desde la primera linea te lo deja en claro con la rase "hoy te digo al oído que esta noche quiero estar contigo". Y mi parte favorita es esta "Yo no tengo la culpa de estar así estoy desquiciado y es por ti, ya siento que estorba la ropa y después de esta copa te juro que te vuelvo loca" una linea bastante clara y no tan sordeada como las anteriores.

What a horror, I don't know what happened to my writing in this post, I must have copied it wrong when I pasted it, anyway this is a very cool song by Gabriel Parisi, without giving too much away, it's a very spicy song that goes to the point, it talks about having a passionate encounter with that person you want. From the first line it makes it clear with the phrase "today I tell you in my ear that tonight I want to be with you". And my favorite part is this "I'm not to blame for being like this I'm crazy and it's because of you, I already feel like my clothes are in the way and after this drink I swear I'll drive you crazy", a very clear line and not as sordid as the previous ones.

Comerte a besos es un tema que Recuerdo gracias a que Gabriel tiene una versión junto a Oscarcito de este sin embargo la que termine cantando es la versión de Gabriel cuya segunda parte me gusta mucho mas que la colaboración con Oscarcito. es un tema que me gusto tanto que lo incluiré en mi repertorio recurrente de hoy en adelante. Pido disculpas de que el post estuviera tanto rato sin escrito fue mi error por no cerciorarme al subirlo. Una lastima me gusto mucho como quedo jajaja.

Comerte a besos is a song that I remember thanks to the fact that Gabriel has a version of it with Oscarcito, however the one I ended up singing is Gabriel's version whose second part I like much more than the collaboration with Oscarcito. It is a song that I liked so much that I will include it in my recurring repertoire from now on. I apologize that the post was so long without writing it was my mistake for not making sure when I uploaded it. It's a pity, I really liked the way it turned out hahaha.


Diseño sin título.png




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