Service & Kindness themed Three Tunes Tuesday.

in Music27 days ago


Hello, it's three tunes day. C'mon, let's have a blast with this.

For the record, #ttt (Three Tunes Tuesday) is an ongoing initiative which is organized by @ablaze for all music lovers. Catch the full gist about that HERE.

If you've ever put yourself in a position where you have to be of service to others, that experience will help you understand that being of service isn't an easy responsibility to take on. Parents have that responsibility towards their kids and the good ones do it while being ready to sacrifice more than you can imagine.

We all also have that responsibility. We have a duty of genuine display of kindness towards people. You'd be surprised to know that a lot of people's day would be so much better if they received just one act of kindness on a particular day. That's what being of service is capable of doing.

So, the theme of the songs I will be highlighting in this week's edition of Three Tunes Tuesday is all tied to service and genuine displays of kindness.

Let's get into them;

1. Count On Me by BRUNO MARS.

Most people have someone or a wide group of people they call friends. They see each other as friends. But, when the going gets tough, how many of those can they really count on? It's actually sickening to know that a lot of friendships are only "okay" when things are good. Once the going gets tough, friends turn their back and abandon their folks.

That's not really friendship, right? Friends should be able to count on each other and this song by Bruno Mars is a message about that. The song was quite popular when it was released and it doesn't seem to have an official music video. So, we will stick with the lyrics video.

2. Stand By You by RACHEL PLATTEN.

I'm surprised I never heard of this Lady until I came across a "fight against Cancer" video online. This particular song was used as a soundtrack in the video and something about the song got me captivated immediately. That was when I started to dig into the full song.

Rachel did really well in this song and the message in this song is inspiring for those who are standing beside someone who's suffering and contending with difficult situations. You see people like that all the time. They give their support and extend comforting acts to people who are going through a hard time. I'm glad there's a song like this for such people.

3. Fight Song by RACHEL PLATTEN.

Yeah. Another song by Rachel Platten. It just can't be helped because this song and her "Stand By You" which I already shared above are similar. While the former is dedicated to those who stand by the side of those who are battling life, this part one is a fight song for anyone who's dealing with tough situations in life.

Fight Song is a song filled with inspiration. I'm genuinely curious about Rachel Platten and her direct or indirect history with cancer or any terminal illness. She has a couple of songs that give hope to people who are going through that. Who knows? There may be something to find there.

That's it for this edition of Three Tunes Tuesday.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash

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I am definitely checking out this video out on YouTube. They are good ones

Awesome. Check them out and enjoy the songs