Happy Birthday To Kaleb

in Musiclast month

Today is my son's first birthday, and I honestly can't believe it has been a year already. Fatherhood has been the most interesting, exciting, and terrifying experience of my life.

For this TTT I figured I would share three songs that Kaleb really likes to listen to.


The Ants Go Marching One By One

This is one of Kaleb's favourite songs, and each time it goes on he does this little dance. Usually whatever toys he was playing with get dropped the moment he hears it.

The amount of these nursery rhyme/ baby music songs I've heard in the last few months is shocking and every so often - nearly daily realistically - one of them gets stuck in my head and they're hard to shake.

5 Monkeys Jumping On The Bed

This song is basically mine and his workout song, because every time it comes on he starts jumping, but since he can't hold himself up, I have to pretty much weight-lift him and throw him in the air.

I'm not sure what weight he is now, but to be honest, I'm at a point where I don't need any kind of gym membership or exercise routine to get a workout.

The animation of a lot of these videos is very simplistic, but they're eye-catching, and for kids, they're entertaining because he seems to love them.

The Duck Song

The Duck Song is one that I'm sure everyone saw at some stage, I remember it went viral when it was first released.

It's the first song I put on for him a couple of months ago, and for the first time, he paid attention to what was on screen and seemed interested in, and danced along to.

When it first came on he looked at the screen watching the badly animated duck, as the song played out. Then he kind of looked around the room at everyone to see everyones reactions, which were positive, and then he turned back with a big smile on his face and started dancing.

This is something he started doing for most other songs moving forward, he would smile, then look for the reactions of everyone else before getting really into it and bopping.

These songs, and listening to them over the last few months have led me to believe that I'm in the wrong game. Rather than playing covers, or punk/ ska stuff, I should - and every other musician should - be making nursery rhyme songs and videos.

Each of these videos has hundreds of millions of views/ billions of views, which would be worth a lot of money.


Happy birthday!

Thanks man, he had a blast today :)

Happy Birthday Kaleb ! 😁

Thanks so much, he had a great day :)

Congrats again on becoming a father, must be such an odd but incredibly meaningful feeling to arrive at the first birthday!

It was surreal and fairly scary as the due date came closer, but the moment he arrived we both took to parenting instantly.

Yeah, being 1 is shocking and it doesn't feel like a year already.

That year went quick. You'd better get used to those tunes as he will be demanding them over and over. My kids were happy to watch certain films dozens of times until the DVDs wore out. You can see it as an opportunity to guide his tastes.

I think there could be a market for 'Baby Punk' with rocked up nursery rhymes. Kids will lap it up.


I'm shocked at how fast it went by man, it honestly just feels like yesterday that he came along. Haha, he's not at the age to demand them yet, but I know it's coming soon. That's very true, I'm looking forward to introducing him to a bunch of different things to see what he gravitates towards.

You know what, I think you could be right there. A lot of kids shows seem to have fast paced upbeat theme tunes, so doing that with the old nursery rhymes could work well.

I can imagine toddlers enjoying some ska and punk. Just see how well Madness have done across all ages. Just have to avoid the swearing.

Hahaha, you've actually given me an idea there, 3 Little Pigs, a kind of anti-police punk version of the nursery rhyme.

Hey @killerwot, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Happy B-day to your son! 🎂

I like the Duck son!!!! Remember when it went viral and I contributed to it by listening to it dozens of times... 😂

Thanks man, he had a great day, he stayed up a little later than usual because I think he had a second wind due to the excitement.

The Duck Song is great, and he loves it. Haha, I think I was guilty of increasing its views too back then.

Yayy! Happy Birthday to Kaleb. I can't believe it's a year already. And you certainly have grown within this year owing to the responsibility of becoming a father. And a great one at that.

Can't wait to celebrate the second year with Kaleb. I hope he had a blast today.🥰

Oh, too right, it has been the most amazing experience ever, and I feel that I've grown and matured more in this past year than I have in any other year of my life. The whole time has been amazing, the only thing I'm sad about is the fact that it seems to have gone by so quickly.

Thanks so much for your comment, I really appreciate it!


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