How to play Snowman in Ukelele || Sia

in Music3 years ago

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Hiii Hivers! How are you doing? I hope well! After a long time, today I bring you a new videotutorial! I hope you like it and that this can be useful for you ✨

The Ukulele is one of my favorite musical instruments, and for a long time I thought I had to make a video playing this instrument 💓

And well Hivers, that's all for now. Follow your dreams, enjoy life and for now I'll say goodbye ;)

Enjoy it!!!


Song Score:

▶️ 3Speak


Hola Marcela, tienes mucho talento, hay un mundo de posibilidades, para tu blog, pero tu talento con la musica es realmente genial, te invito, a que nos compartas mas sobre las canciones que mas te gustan. saludos.

Muchas gracias, tengo planeado subir más canciones y contenido musical muy pronto ;)

Me alegra mucho esa idea, tengo la certeza, que te trera resultados muy satisfactorios.
Exitos y saludos.😀

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