Three Weird Al For Tuesday

in Music11 months ago


Remember "i' before "e" except after "C" and unless it is "eight, weigh, neighbor, sleigh, weird or seize." English really doesn't have to make sense. It doesn't have to maintain strict traditions nor does it have to remain the same. The language is constantly coming up with new words and new ways of saying things that just didn't exist when I was a kid. I just cringe to see what adorkable words will be added to the dictionary in 2023.

Weird Al is no Bob Dylan of language, but he is enough to put a smile on my face. Let's listen to a few of his songs and try to see if he is just being adorkable or does he really have a message in these words.

Tacky - "Weird Al" Yankovic

Somehow I missed this song at the time Pharrel was doing his 24 hour happy dance marathons. Some people can never be happy, especially after hearing the word "happy" ten thousand times in a song. Weird Al understands this and pokes fun of "Happy" with "Tacky".

Being "Tacky" is not something only confined to the English language. A person can be "Tacky" speaking any language in any corner of the universe. Yankovic has been known for some tackiness over the years, but he nails it right here.

"I meet some chick, ask her this and that (Yeah)
Like, 'Are you pregnant, girl, or just really fat?'"

Stop Forwarding that Crap to Me - "Weird Al" Yankovic

This is a special parody as it is not exactly parodying one single song, but a couple songs in one. He also seems to be parodying "kinetic typography" video styles. The song was written in 2011 when FB was picking up and more and more chain letters were being pasted on people's posts. The song is mostly about email junk mail, but junk mail has origins beyond snail mail.

In ancient cultures there were promises that if someone makes copies of some image or text and places them somewhere they would find good luck. It was said in the Egyptian book of the dead

“The man who knows not this picture shall never be able to repulse the serpent Neha-hra." Source Smithsonian

Now we are cursed with viral videos, GIFs, MEMEs and now MEME coins. There is a reason I can only keep my phone open for thirty seconds without turning it off. There is entirely too much crap. Hive has a little bit less, but a few are insistent on forwarding their crap here too.

"I Love Rocky Road" - "Weird Al" Yankovic

I had to include at least one classic from the early days when I heard Weird Al in Elementary school. A lot of his parodys then were borderline offensive, but mostly silly.

"I Love Rocky Road" is borderline silly, but not borderline offensive. I'm not sure if everyone in the world loves ice cream, but my dad still calls ice cream "The World's Best Medicine".

This song is still in the polka tradition. I remember watching this video first on MTV at my brother's friend's house after school. It left an impressing and has an addictive quality.

I guess the closest thing Korea has to Weird Al is PSY. Every year PSY has an early summer concert with his friend. The forest behind our house is the back of the stadium. We can hear every word of the concert five days straight. Next Tuesday I will report about that one.

Today let's just cool off with some rocky road.

These three are for Three Tune Tuesday originated by @ablaze. This story is my opinion of the songs except for the one sentence used from the Smithsonian. The picture here and the cover picture belong to me @mineopoly.



You won't believe this!

I was thinking I need to listen to Weird Al two days ago. Never got around to it. Now you have reminded me. YAY. My fave song of his like ever was "Living in the Fridge". It cracks me up every time.

You get all the votes of mine in the interwebs today 😁

@tipu curate

Whether it was the ice cream or the music, or just Weird Al himself, we appreciate your support !LUV

 11 months ago  

"I meet some chick, ask her this and that (Yeah)
Like, 'Are you pregnant, girl, or just really fat?'"

Ha haha....

I never really knew who this weird Al guy was until right now, I often hear him name checked in songs, but had no idea who he was, seems pretty funny actually!

I love Rocky Road!!!!! Gas man, this lad!! Ha ha

I'm glad to share the smile !LOL

I will get into something more serious later.

What's green and sits in the corner?
A naughty frog.

Credit: fallingforward
@ablaze, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @mineopoly
