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RE: Liquid Drum & Bass - Tribal Injection - My Next Thing (Nicky Havey remix)

in Music3 years ago

What's next? You will see what fits you the best. Starting from beginning is not easy, although you would build your profile quickly ( but that is relative, the time) as you have experience, you would not be a 100% newbie. You would know what to do!

At the other hand, a new start can be productive for you, sometimes we just have to cut with the old things and start a new project, job, habit, attitude, place of living, whatever.

While I am writing I am listening to your track, hm, yes , that is the normal fast pace of Nicky 🎉👌

P.S. like your remix more that the original hehehe


I am not so interested in building a profile though, happy to slip in to the background and just carry on my merry way with music.

I'm definitely just looking to cut off the old social media accounts, it's feeling good to ditch those energy vampires!

Haha thanks a lot bropiano! I'm glad you enjoyed the remix!

Then I misunderstood you. I thought you want to quit here too, and start a new account, one with music and other with travel. But now I read it again, and I think I understand now (maybe :D )

I'm definitely just looking to cut off the old social media accounts, it's feeling good to ditch those energy vampires!

It is actually a good topic for thinking, what are the benefits for a musician or music producer to have social media accounts or is it better without them, or it does not matter... how to deal with them, what are the drawback etc...

Brotiano indeed has to change (correct) the username hahaha

Haha, maybe I'm just a confused Mickey! To be honest, I can't delete a Hive account anyway, not that I'd want to seeing as this has been by far the best decision I've made to join 3 years ago. Having separate accounts (one for music, one for travel) is just a case of managing it myself but we'll see how it goes!

As for the benefits, well, the userbase on places like FB and Twitter is a lot more but because the way the algorithms work, it limits your post visibility anyway and then they make you pay to have your post show up! For me, that doesn't make sense and is pretty crippling but for someone like me who is just doing this for a hobby, it doesn't matter so much. When I was trying to go full time, I came across all these barriers and I just didn't feel it was worth it. Then I joined Hive and it's been far better for me, even with a smaller userbase.

Yeah, confused Mickey and confused tio readers ;)

About writing travel posts, why do you think you would need a separate account? Just curious, but you don't have to answer :)
Ok, maybe it would be like too personal for the music fans... where you went, what you did etc, if that, I can understand.
I separated also, for actifit reports , but then I still don't know whether was it a good idea or not.. I don't have time to engage with the other account as I would like to, barely made 100 comments from January with sports account. 🤦🏻‍♀️😅

But on the other hand, then it is less pressure to do everything good and perfect, it can be okish and I can forgive more easily myself 😅

I'm not really sure having separate accounts makes sense now you mention it! That's why we have communities I guess, you can just post a relevant blog in there when you do! Handling multiple accounts is really difficult!

We're probably making this more difficult than it needs to be 😂

We're probably making this more difficult than it needs to be 😂

Hahah, you think that way too? We are the bros of overthinking 🤣

Hahaha, we really are! I already have a Masters in this subject 😂