Digest of new Ukrainian music 39

in Music3 years ago

New week. A new portion of fresh Ukrainian music.

LETAY "Цінувати час" (Appreciate time)

Reflections on the passage of time

Віталій Дуднік "Налетіли ворони" (Crows flew)

A sincere song about the vicissitudes of life

JAN!S "Діяти" (Act)

Motivational rock track

Медовий Полин "Мато" (Mato/Drunk)

Cheerful punk with the Zalishchyk dialect

Grisly Faye & Blooms Corda "De ty ya (sing along)"

Nice and light electronic composition

Христина Панасюк "Обмежена видимість" (Limited visibility)

The song reminds us that the war is still going on

Chekalov "Цілую" (I kiss)

Lyrical hip-hop

Воплі Відоплясова feat USTYM "Ми ростем" (We grow)

The song is dedicated to the activities of Plast members (Ukrainian scouts) and the anniversary of the Plast organization

Мурени "Зграями" (In flocks)

The band continues to present their new material. The fresh song was written under the influence of tragic events in the family of the group's leader.

Zefear "Кріпак" (Serf)

Gloomy electronic track about not too good life

Yasvit "Bass rudolph"

Positive dance composition

Ол.Ів.'Є "Там, де ти..." (Where you ...)

Studio version of a lyrical and beautiful song

СКАЙ "До кінця" (Until the end)

A life-affirming song about moving towards your dream

СКАЙ "Легковажна" (Reckless)

Another premiere from the band "SKAY". A good and positive song about love

Garza "Танцює Гарза" (Garza is dancing)

Easy dance track with oriental motifs

KAZKA "М’ята" (Mint)

A new stylish track from a famous band about a fairy-tale girl and her first love

Глава 94 "Нівелір" (Leveling)

The lyrical composition from the Lviv hip-hop formation is full of memories and melancholy

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