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RE: Three Tune Tuesday Best Sports Music

in Musiclast year

We're trying to bring more people to the leofinance contest I wrote about yesterday. or you can jump straight into the contest here,

One of the tasks for today is to bring more people in who haven't joined yet and I see that you have never even used threads on the new leo site.

Leave a meaningful, nice and long comment about the post.

But I'm Irish so that won't work.
I've never heard of any of those tracks. My music taste obviously runs in a different direction to yours. Obviously you're a very old man in a young mans body. In your defense I have heard about at least one of them, I'm fairly sure that my grandad used to listen to fleetwood mac on the old wireless transceiver during the war.

From now on I only want to see three wolf tones songs every week until you run out. From there rinse and repeat until everybody on hive is drinking Guinness and supporting Celtic.


😂😂😂 I shall head over to that link straight away kind sir .