Buy and Sell

in Music2 months ago

I apologize, this post will not be about Crypto. However, if you are interested, you can purchase any of the items I am about to share using Hive. Selling used music gear on eBay is currently the best option.

The fact is, certain items you purchase are excellent, while others are subpar, and truth be told, some I simply do not utilize as much as others. I was discussing this topic with some acquaintances in the electronic music scene recently, and perhaps it is similar for those of you who are more inclined towards acoustic instruments or other interests?

These things are all expensive and sometimes well looked after items that haven't had heavy use, like the ones I have listed below might be more affordable?

The reason I am selling these is simple, they just aren't getting the use I thought they'd get when I bought them. I am getting into my Elektron boxes and one or two desktop synths plus my modular system I am building. I want to swap the MPC for the newer one that has come out, with the built in keyboard but I will wait till later in the year.

The gear I am selling

Polyend Tracker


Trackers are great but it is a different workflow and that is an important point to consider, this doesn't really tie in with any of my main workflows that I am trying to consolidate down into less.

Interested in buying it?

MPC One Plus


Planning to buy the new MPC Keys 37 instead which means all of the software I've bought this can be used again in the future. Worth bearing in mind if you want one of these.

Buy it maybe?

OP-1 Field


I've always felt bad about buying this - they are expensive products, they are well engineered, fantastic quality machines but I get more enjoyment out of other instruments that cost half the price. So have decided to sell and to ignore Teenage Engineering for good. If they tempt me ever again, slap me with a wet fish please!

However perhaps you genuinely have been looking for one of these?

The gear I am keeping and where next?

Although there are one or two more items that aren't in this shot, these are without doubt the way I am headed now. It has taken me awhile to get here but I feel at home with these units and can jam for hours with them, my way of making music is to jam and not just program notes all of the time, though with that said, sequencing is a big part of what I do. However take note of the small details in this photo, there are plectra there (plural for plectrum if that is correct), yes the guitar is making it's way into this but don't expect to see me doing Open Mic stuff here just yet! I am more of a drum machine nut it turns out.



Update @steevc - sold two of these items so far!

Great! Now you can buy other things that you need :)

Possibly but for now, just setting the money to one side. We’ve got a big trip later in the year to Mexico. So let’s see!!

I hope you can find buyers. This gear is not cheap, but will be interesting to someone. I tend to dither over buying any new music gear as I want to be sure it's what I need. I'm then very reluctant to sell some I might use and have regretted getting rid of some items.

The Teenage Engineering stuff seems very premium, but people like it. I will probably be mainly buying drum stuff for now.

It will take time I suspect but I’m confident I’ll find buyers for them. Might have to accept offers if they are fair.

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