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RE: Challenge Not Challenge: Spread the Vibes | with MUSIC & STORIES

in Music3 years ago

Прекрасный посыл ты дал в этом посте ..Это крайне интересно...Кто ,Когда и Как почувствовал музыку, когда был момент музыкальной дефлорации...Рассказы на эту тему крайне интересны , они жизненны

You gave a wonderful message in this post .. It is extremely interesting ... Who, When and How felt the music, when there was a moment of musical defloration ... Stories on this topic are extremely interesting, they are vital


Thanks so much 🙂 Feel welcome to jump in! You may respond to my shared music, or to any of the other ones in the #spreadthevibes tag and add your own music selection into your participation post 🙃