My First Album

in Music7 months ago


I am currently working on my first album inspired by an apocalypse type scene, it's kinda exciting since I have only released a few singles in the past but recently decided to go full out on an album.

Track list idea
I have an idea to add 10 tracks to the album. Since its my first album I don't want to add too many. Depending on the feedback I would get, I would go about the next one and maybe add more.

From a young age, my inspiration to become a music artist burned brightly within me like a relentless flame, driving my passion and shaping the course of my life. There was something magical about the way music touched my soul and ignited my imagination, and it all began with a few unforgettable moments in my early years.

I can still vividly recall the first time I heard a beautiful melody wafting through the air, like a gentle breeze that carried with it a profound sense of emotion and storytelling. It was as if the world paused, and in that suspended moment, I felt a connection to something greater than myself. That experience was like a key turning in the lock of my heart, unlocking a world of possibilities.

Growing up, I was fortunate to be surrounded by a family that appreciated the power of music. My parents often played classic records in our home, and I was exposed to a rich tapestry of genres and artists. I can remember dancing around the living room to the Beatles, feeling the raw emotion in the voice of Aretha Franklin, and being captivated by the virtuosity of Jimi Hendrix's guitar playing. These experiences painted a diverse canvas of inspiration, leaving an indelible mark on my young, impressionable mind.

As I continued to grow, I became increasingly drawn to the creative process behind the music I loved. The thought of crafting melodies, penning lyrics, and sharing my own stories through song became an irresistible dream. I started experimenting with musical instruments, learning how to play the piano and guitar, and soon I was composing my own tunes. It was a way to channel my thoughts, feelings, and experiences into a form that transcended the boundaries of ordinary conversation.

Over the years, my inspiration was nurtured by encounters with inspirational musicians and artists who demonstrated the power of music to heal, uplift, and unite. I witnessed firsthand how music could transcend language, culture, and age, bringing people together in moments of celebration and solace. These experiences strengthened my resolve to become a music artist, to contribute my voice to this universal language that had spoken to me so profoundly from a young age.

The journey to becoming a music artist hasn't always been easy. It has required relentless dedication, countless hours of practice, and the courage to share my innermost thoughts and emotions with the world. But the passion that ignited within me as a young child has never waned. It continues to drive me forward, pushing me to explore new horizons, evolve as an artist, and connect with others through the transformative power of music.

My inspiration to become a music artist from a young age has been a guiding force in my life, shaping my identity and driving me to pursue my dreams. It has been the melody that weaves its way through the story of my life, providing the soundtrack to my journey of self-discovery and artistic expression. As I look ahead, I am excited to see where this path will lead, and I am forever grateful for the unwavering inspiration that has fueled my passion for music.


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Creating your first album is an exciting journey for sure! If you want some help with the mastering or distribution part of it, let us know!