2 for wednesday disco records

in Music4 years ago


here are a couple of classic disco numbers to get your blood pumping this tuesday Wednesday. i started this post yesterday, but left my phone at home so i couldn't post it!

i don't know much about the back stories on these ones🤗...but its really about the music right?

tonight's the night

i would describe this is a...classic, perhaps "sexy" disco number? ah, remember when you could go spend a night out on the town??

mcfadden and whitehead
"aint no stopping us"

you probably know this one? its still a good one though! i guess they were studio writers and the label wanted them to give this song to the O'Jays! probably a smart move, or we wouldn't even recognize their names....

and just for bonus, here is the other version of tonights the night from the SSO record

disco gets a lot of flack, but we hear it (or its influence) in popular music, commercials and tv or film all the time and don't even notice it😎

i hope you liked my post!


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