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RE: Mercury Music Award Nominees 2005 for Three Tune Tuesday - Week 107 - 10 HBI shares to be won!

in Musiclast year

I was a bit into Anthony and Johnsons around 2002-2003, his 1st album was great, by the time the 2nd came out I lost all the intrest... the things changed, direction to the horizon moved for to me, hmmm.

 last year  

Ya can't say I ever got to into them, but they certainly had a few great tracks on that album 👌

ha! sometimes even with no good tracks, if a man has Big Charisma, it is enough for everyone to become obsessed... for a period of time xD

 last year  

Yep, it's true what you say, charisma and stage presence goes a long long way.

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