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RE: Jazz-Matinee - Julian Lage

in Music3 months ago

I have listened to it before and thank you for reminding me of it again.
What fascinates me about him, in the first song, in fact in all the songs, is the absolute casualness and the complete mastery of the instrument and the rhythm that characterize all great musicians.
This second song, Speak To Me, I first thought of this for the new #newtunes selection, but, I told myself, it's better to have jazz together, I don't know that much about it, except when it comes to rock, it's better for me to keep on with garage and similar genres...


The exciting thing about your mix on Saturday is the fact that it will be a cross-section of all the different genres of music.
This allows me to exclude the “uninteresting” stuff, which makes it easier for me to formulate my commentary. 😊

That's true, the boundaries between genres are becoming more and more blurred, and I personally think that's a good thing because that's where the musical aspect should come out, not so much the technical perfection, but more the "breadth", if I've expressed myself correctly.
btw: Deepl already has problems when I start describing something in more detail ... 😅