Calm and Vibes...

in Musiclast month


Finally, a calm day in a series of long, stressful and choked ones. Made me remember JID's like in Better Days.

"Hope you see some Better days between worse ones.."

Truly this should be our prayer because it seems worst days never finish and Better Days are getting fewer.
Today when I finally had some time in my hands, I had the chance to have a well needed afternoon nap, cut my hair and enjoy the small things in life.
Feeling so serene that one may think I've found love or something 😂.
Coincidentally, it's also TTT, the one true initiative I'm still active in.
So I guess I'll have to share some songs that could at least try to produce these feelings.

Quite different from what was in my mind to share, especially in these tension filled times in Hip-Hop😂

Peru ~ Fireboy DML ft Ed Sheeran

This is quite an old track which lot up the world when it was released.
I say 'quite an old' track but it really isn't, it's just been two or three years at most...yet in those three years a lot has happened in the musical industry, so it is quite old in musical standards 😂😂
Fireboy was a young rising star in the Nigerian music industry and he made quite a lot of nice songs yet no one made it quite as far as Peru where it's sounds prompted superstar Ed Sheeran to want a colab on it, and that one became an instant hit.

It was funny to hear Sheeran's try at Pidgin English😂

I Shot The Sheriff ~ The Big Push

The Big Push is a versatile English band known for making cover's pf different songs and allegedly making them even better than they were before.
They did it for Englishman In New York, did it for Wade In The Water and now they've come to reignite the flames of insubordination that Bob Marley first lighted with his Rock music 😂🔥
The original song really had a unique feel that no one can copy, but what these lads did wasn't to copy but try and reuse it, remolding the song as their own...
I think they did a fairly good job...

Intro ~ J Cole

I'm sure almost everyone is aware of the ongoing hip-hop beef between two of raps leading artists now..
Families have been called, reputations have been scattered and the whole situation is just so messy right now...
It's an ecstasy show for the hip-hop fans but really just a sad show for the rappers as everything is coming to light in such a crude fashion.
Well, one of my personal favorites was involved in the beef at first but apologized and dropped off before things became this messy.
At first I thought this and plenty others thought this was way weak of him, but now, as the beef between Kendrick and Drake has reached its peak, people are applauding his decision, in some of the most hilarious manner😂
The memes about him having the best time now watching the beef unfold have made him trend even without him actively being online.

Just goes to show that sometimes backing down is the best course of action 😂

I listened to his song that was used for majority of the memes and it's a song that really helped put me in this mood, calming my mind and making everything just look better.
It's been a while since a song spurred such emotions in me and it just goes to show how toxic the hip-hop genre has become at the moment...
Hopefully this changes soon...

These are my entry into #threetunestuesday. A contest made by our Irish music hoarder @ablaze.
The steps to enter are simple.

  • Come to hive on a Tuesday.
  • Make a post, talking about three different tunes..
  • Tag ablaze to that post.
  • Put "#ttt" as one of your topics of the post.
  • Post.
    -Comment and Reblog other people's posts.

It's simply that easy...

Thanks for reading through this small musical ramblings of mine...
Been a while since my last longform post...
So I guess maybe I was too talkative?
Anyways, till we discuss musically again 😂😂




  • All images used are Mine

My Instagram page.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Aha! Such days are awesome! I'm so glad to read you did something that made your soul glow, enjoying the little things in life :) Those are absolute bliss!

I love the collab between Ed Sheeran and Fireboy. They're both fun to watch and listen to :)

Truly they are fun to watch and listen to....

Ed Sheeran and Fireboy have been so quiet nowadays...

Hopefully I'd get to listen to a song of theirs soon...

Even better is if they collaborated again 😂😂✨

Wuhu 🙂 mostly I am no big covers fan, but the Sheriff version is very good. Anyway Ren is extraordinary music.

Ren is extraordinary music.

Indeed he is...

mostly I am no big covers fan


I've heard some great covers in my time...

And some woeful ones...

@ifarmgirl introduced me this week to a lovely Philippine artist who did a cover of this song (Wayo/Why oh) and it was simply wonderful...

Here's the Post

Think it depends on how long you know the Song and how much the original touched you. Palomap sent me a cover of "Ella elle la" and it was hard to listen, knowing the France Gall version for 30 years 😅

😂😂😂Perhaps sentimentality of the original can fuel some dislike 😂😂😂