Bad Mood - A #synthsaturday Instrumental

in Music22 days ago

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A group of friends has a member who is in a bad mood. They try to console him but it gets worse and worse. Now everyone is worried and they do their best to get him out of this foul mood. Unfortunately it spirals out of control and absorbs them all and the whole group crumbles into nothing. Perhaps it is because they were trapped in a concrete room with a bright light... Or maybe they realized they were all just retro fashion mannequins with no new outfits to display as all the malls are moving to giant baggy clothes that won't fit them anymore.

Video was created in 3ds Max and Vray. Audio was made via my Akai MPK Mini on my commute into work.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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Interesting... or maybe they are wizards torturing a prisoner that finally overcomes their magic with a spell so powerful and evil it consumes and destroys them all

I should have went with the magic angle. The white magic wizards try and shut down a dark magic rogue wizard. But his spell is too powerful and ends up absorbing the whole coven and destroying magic on earth leaving only technology.