

I really enjoy what you share, but I don't really understand music, keep it up @sketch.and.jam

Thanks :-) music can be whatever you want it to be, from gamelan to strummer singer style.

yes @sketch.and.jam, i love all kinds of music and i appreciate the artwork of every musician.

Yay! 🤗
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Love your eastern theme. I can play a guitar solo on it. you know as an Iranian guy eastern themes are in my Blood 😜😁

I love the Eastern themes too they sound the best to my ear. Though I can't quite get the hang of incorporating the microtonal notes on my baglama saz and oud.

i didnt know microtonal too. but in our Traditional musics ( Iranian folk) There are a lot of microtonal intervals, and sounds great.

Yeah I am amazed at how they can just throw those half notes into the mix and have them sound good. When I try it sounds like a mistake lol.

they have their own Scales.

Sweet guitar tone. I also really like guitar. I also have a regular acoustic guitar, and I'm always learning to play it.

Thanks for listening :-) I like acoustic guitar the best since its easy to just pick up and start playing. With electric it takes a while to get a good tone before being able to play.