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RE: XoX Vintage Synth Showcase

in Music2 months ago

That's cool. Sounds like something @stickupboys would enjoy. A friend who used to work in music shops told me that some of those Roland devices were hard to shift before they became trendy. It's good that people can have a chance to use them, but I expect there are clones or software versions that will replicate them pretty well.


They were originally intended for bands without drummers or to be used for practice. Since they sound nothing like a real drummer they were a total flop and many ended up in secondhand shops. Then the hip-hop scene broke out and the drum machine became popular… the rest is history of course!

All DAW software tends to come with emulations of the classic sound or samples. In recent years Behringer have copied them and you can buy a lot of those for peanuts.

We know how obsessed musicians are with gear and so prices can go crazy. You still need the talent and ideas though :)
