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RE: THE SCHOOL OF ROCK! \m/ | Ramones, AC/DC, Stevie Nicks and Led Zeppelin's song

in Music2 months ago

Ahh I love this film so much, it is awesome!!:) So many great bands throughout too, you've highlighted many of them here! You have a great taste in music :)


I knew it! that you love this film :) This is so you, hahaha
This film is very cool and I remember watching this film many times without getting bored. Thanks to this film, I know old rock songs which are also cool!

Thank you! We do have a great taste in music :)

Haha yes! It is totally me :) ahh me too! I watched it so many times and loved it more each time, it's one of those films you can always watch and love just as much!
Have you ever watched Tenacious D - The Pick of Destiny? That is a funny one :)