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RE: Announcement: 1st Annual Christmas Album Today!

in Music2 years ago

@tygertyger @trentonlundy1 @daniel2001 @double-eagle @nupulse @thebeardflex @stickupboys @risingstargame @cryptoniusrex

I have sent 10 SWAP.HBD to your Hive-Engine wallets!

@nakedverse I also sent 10 SWAP.HBD to your account. Split it up amongst the compilation folks as you feel fit!

Thank you all again for participating! We'll be doing another one soon!


Thanks!! That is awesome!

Thank u sooo much 🙏😁😎

Wow!!! So coool!!! 😍


Hey @thebeardflex, here is a little bit of BEER from @nupulse for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Boom nice one bro and cheers!

What an unexpected surprise, Xmas came early. Or.... late? !PIZZA