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RE: Song Request - E01S03 - Such A Shame - Talk Talk

in Music3 years ago

Duty called and since I'm the grill master, shunning my duties just ain't my style.
Not bad ha!
Sharing your post together, our laughter was contagious and it took several breaks for us to compose ourselves before we were able to continue on.


I never woulda thought a virtual conversation like this is just as invigorating as anything else to wake up to but it is.

Thanks, @thebigsweed. How much longer I gotta despise these Florida sun posts?

Not too much longer as we will be heading home on Monday morning.
It should make you feel better, when the next series of pics come from the farm with temps below freezing and snow on the ground.
At that point I would expect you to be sending me some news about the fabulous weather in Knoxville, but until then you'll be seeing as many of these as my RC power will allow.


I'll just throw your own tan shoulder havin picture back at you.