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RE: Rap for Three Tune Tuesday - Week 146 - 12 HBI shares to be won!

in Music2 months ago

As someone who loves to play with words and push sentences to their limits, I am of course also fascinated by hip-hop or rap. Unfortunately not American rap, which does not capture anything of what Europe (my home country) is dealing with. In addition, my finger lands on the stop button when the Ferrari is completely filled with dope smoke and the revolver is on the passenger seat even before the first chorus. Even surpassed by the announcement that over the next few days, all the female members of the worst enemy's family are going to be "getting it".
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It also works like that:

 2 months ago  

All valid, all good points man and I appreciate your honesy. For me though, some music I don't break it down or whatever, but just like the flow, the beats, the essence.

Good shout on Kae below by the way. New to me and very good, I'll share a few Irish examples later, I'm out now enjoying Guinness with friends, so to be continued...

There is no better punshline than: "One more Guinness!"