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RE: Why I Became a Minimalist

Hello Yahia @yahia-lababidi, wishing you a joyful and peaceful New Year.

My apologies for the late reply. We have been hit by a super typhoon and we were cut off from the rest of the world since December 16th. We just found a signal today so here I am catching up with replies.

The recent experience made me realize that the purging process continues. My biggest takeaway from those moments is the sparks of Aha or eureka. Thank you for your insightful comment. May whatever you're going through be a smooth and graceful one and may this year bring you success, peace, joy, love, and light.


So sorry, @discoveringarni to learn about typhoon, and hope you/family are safe and sound. Nature can be humbling that way... and an incentive to reflect, deeply.

New Year off to a good start here, thanks, with family visiting and an upcoming talk that might interest you, on the inspiration of the desert (talk about minimalism!)


Great start of the year! Thank you for sharing your upcoming talk.

Cheers, wishing you Good News 🤗