Walks to Remember.

I like to go on long walks.

Sounds awfully like one of those lines you’ve heard people using on dating apps, doesn’t it? But it’s a phrase that has been true for me for quite a while now, and indeed I like the feeling of taking a stroll through roads lined up with trees or through the nearest park, where I can be one with the greens, breathing in the fresh air that feels almost sacred in a city thriving among pollution.

It all started when I was in my teens, to be honest, these walks. When the pressure of school became just a tad too unbearable, and home started to feel more like a prison, I found rhythm in the steps that took me away from all that. What started as an escape quickly became a ritual of comfort, and I found myself keeping going back to it, getting lost in unknown roads, only to find my way back as a new person.

People say that there is just something about nature. And I wholeheartedly agree with the saying. I remember finding friends in the trees that lined up on the streets I visited, and I remember finding solace under their shades. The park close to my house became, and to this day, is, my ultimate place of rest whenever I feel my mind turning into a jungle of thoughts. And now, as I grow old and find new places to mark my existence on, my collection of these small pieces of peace keeps on growing. And while I used to be alone in my one-man journey back in the day, now I have others with whom I can share it with.

The little me who walked along trees and felt leaves crunch under their feet was scared to dream, back them. Life was but a black-and-white picture in their eyes, slowly fading into nothing as she watched on. To her, walking felt like an escape from the reality she lived in, so she kept at it until her lungs started to hurt and her feet grew numb. She was naive and lost, and could only hope the trees that lined the roads would tell her the way home. The me now isn’t all that different. She too walks along the trees and tries to find meanings behind everything she sees. But unlike the little one, this me doesn’t feel as lost as before.

This me, likes to sit down when her lungs start to hurt. Likes to watch the leaves from the tree fall down only to grow anew. This me knows time is but a river, and nature works in loops. What falls will bloom again. What dies will give start to something new.

This me also isn’t alone anymore. She has a hand to hold on to, a smile to look back at and a pair of arms to fall into when she is tired. And that hand now guides her through new forests, new fields lined with forget-me-nots, showing her how nature blooms even when no one’s looking, and that maybe she could too.

So yes, I like to go on long walks. Along forests, along barren wild fields and along streets lined up with trees. I like breathing in air that feels untouched by abuse and corruption and I like looking up at the greens.

It makes me calm.
Helps me think.
Helps me remember what I have, what I am, and all that I ever can be.


Photo Credit: This guy!

 last year  

This was a beautiful read. It shows your true appreciation for nature and all the goodness that it holds.
Have a fantastic day, and thanks for stopping by:)))
small KISS Gif.gif
Thanks for your #KISS
I enjoyed it 😉

lips sealed

speaking lips

Thank youu. Nature is something that helps me keep my mind on track when things get hectic.
I hope you have a good day too. ^_^

Who wouldn't find peace walking down a path lined with trees on each side? I think It's the most peaceful walk anyone would ever have.

Getting away from pollution into an air filtered environment where cool breeze blows off the sorrow, heaviness or whatever feeling a person carried while walking. Nature to me is the best therapist.

I agree completely. Nature has a way of healing you in a way that nothing else can. I love just stepping into the greens and losing myself just a little bit.

Thanks for stopping by! ^_^

I love just stepping into the greens and losing myself just a little bit.

That makes the two of us 😁. Season's greetings ❤️

Long time no see! Come to JU again dude, walking in the deep of the woods with you guys really feels amazing 💙
Winter shades a surreal effect on JU and every bit of it is enjoyable. Hope to see you guys soon!