Life is simple

It would be cowardly not to fight for what makes you shine.


Greetings my dear friends of this good community, it is my first time in these parts, I liked to see the reflection of the week, I like to reflect I did not know it existed and I am pleased to be here to share a little of what makes me be and live a simpler life.

I think that in life we go through and burn some stages, and there comes a point where we see that so many efforts to achieve financial stability, comforts, luxuries, among many things often makes life becomes more complicated and less valued.

Currently I have a beautiful family, I have my father alive and my sister, they are the people who make my life worthwhile, family, I have seen how close people have gone and still have not found that peace and simplicity of life by running after things that do not fill us and in the end leave us with stress.


I have found my peace of mind by riding my bicycle, you may think it is an effort but it brings me pleasure, besides it allows me to live lightly and without stress, while I ride my bike my thoughts are usually better, they usually become solutions, because without wanting to reflect and analyze with better focus the situations of my life and I have been able to act in a simple and effective way.

Changing my mood, thinking about my health and being well with myself makes me be well with others, makes me let go and see life in a simpler way, without leaving my responsibilities aside because I am a person who likes to take charge of many things, but now I let go and let myself help.

Today I do not worry about what I wear, or if I have enough money or not, although of course money is needed, but I do not let that affect me as before, I learned to live with what I have, and with what comes, I can have luxuries as I can lack them and it does not affect me, I have learned to lead this life in such a way that I can spread joy with what surrounds me.

Riding a bike, walking places, streets, seeing life in a closer way, without filters, without masks, has made me reduce anxiety levels, stress that many times the day to day alters us, disarticulates us and leads us to be who we do not want to be, I believe that when you find a passion for something is there where you should stay, I learned by walking roads to live a minimalist life, a life without gadgets.

I have thought that life when we are born is so simple and as the years go by we are the ones who complicate it, our mind plays many mental tricks on us and some are not even true, they are mirages that do not let us see, if we clarify our thoughts we can make our life much better and satisfactory.

Photos of my property taken with my Samsung A11 phone.



Your post made me smile. I relate to what you feel so well. We're so caught up with success that we forget to live and enjoy life.

Welcome and thanks for sharing this lovely post with us:)))
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I enjoyed it 😉

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 last year  

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 last year  

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Image belongs to millycf1976

Life is simple but most times we complicated things ourselves by always wanting more and more which can make us miserable, and anxious.

If we learn how to appreciate the simple and little things, then it doesn't matter what are the things we have, we will always find happiness and peace of mind.

I agree with what you are saying, life is very