in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

Sometimes I do think that I've gotten it all figured out only to realize that it actually just got messier and it seemed like something was working out. Like there are days when I just think that I'm not capable of doing anything right just because something didn't go the way I would have wanted it. Hey Hope, get a grip of yourself I mostly tell myself, hehe.

When things don't go the way we want it to, we easily feel disappointed in ourselves or maybe in worst cases we look for someone to just blame for our misfortune. Most times we say life is not fair, like I do say it too but then is that really true? Thinking about it over and over just help me realize that life is so fair! We only see it that life is unfair when we loss our loved ones, or loss our jobs or something unfortunate happens to us.

But then we forget that before those things happened to us it already happened to someone else maybe even worse than ours. Anyways, we do have these times and occurrences in our lives that makes us feel overwhelmed and maybe even unable to go further, what do we do? Well, I don't know for others but at least I know for myself.

When I keep doing something the best way I can and keep getting wrong results, I stop and think. I always like to remember the words of a wise person that says you can't keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Sometimes when I stop and think I do shed some tears and it most times makes me feel so much better. In worst cases when I feel really hurt and down, I just try to get a good rest.

Well, I do feel a lot better after that rest but then I've come to realize that no matter how I try to overcome these overwhelming situations, they always find their way back to me and that's why I've come to discover a new way to overcome it. As they say knowledge is power, knowing that no matter how much I try to write on the beach sand, the wave is always going to wash it away, I decided to just learn to find pleasure in being persistent and consistent.

Nothing lasts forever so when one thing comes, cherish it the best way you can and when it's not there you can look forward to something better (which might not be). Knowing that life is full of troubles and challenges, one can only keep hoping for the good things to always come to them but that doesn't mean they will always come. I have come to terms with the fact that when things are going bad for me, at least there is someone somewhere who has also laboured for something good and they are enjoying it.

My time will come again, it will go again and it will come again and so on. Yes when things don't go your way, cry, be sad but it shouldn't be for too long because you know that it is just a phase and it will definitely pass. I remember seeing a little boy run after his own shadow and he was unable to meet up with it and he cried for a long time until he realized that it was impossible to chase its own shadow.

Don't try to chase your shadow, instead look for the source of light that causes your shadow to be casted and adjust it in a way that it won't cast your shadow. But if it's the sun or the moon bringing out your shadow, all you can do is wait until it is gone. They are definitely going to be gone, hehe. As they say, Patience is a virtue and not everyone has it.

This is my coping mechanism and I'm so happy to share it with you. Thanks to the topic suggestion I got from the April inleo.

All Images used are mine

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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